If you own a Samsung Smart TV, it is important to keep the firmware and software versions up to date. The firmware updates allow you to get more variety of features and options to the TV. It will also enhance the efficiency and use of the Samsung Smart TV.
You can choose between the automatic online update or manual update using an USB device. The automatic online update let you do the whole process over the internet. But if your TV is not connected to the internet or problems persist when you update the firmware over the internet, then you should opt for the manual update.
Automatic Online Update
To update your Samsung Smart TV, follow these steps:1. Turn on the Samsung Smart TV. Make sure that it is connected to the internet. It is also recommended that you leave the device turned on for at least five minutes.
2. Using your remote control, go to the Smart TV's options menu. Click MENU button on your remote control. Then go to Support
3. Select the Online option.
The Samsung Smart TV will look for an update as long as it is connected to the internet. In an update is available, it will begin installing automatically.
Manual Update
In some cases, although update is available, sometimes the device is not capable to detect the new firmware updates. It does not detect the new firmware automatically, so you have to update the Smart TV manually. You have to prepare a USB thumb drive to do the manual update.1. Download the firmware version from the Samsung website. You need to download the latest firmware version for your specific Samsung Smart TV device model from the Samsung website. You will need to find the specific model by following this link to find the model number:
2. If you have known the number of your device model, head to this link to download the required firmware version:
3. Select the appropriate Model Code then click on Get Downloads.
4. If a new firmware is available, then select the appropriate firmware and click Download (Zip).
5. Move the firmware into the USB. Once the firmware has finished downloading, you have to unzip the file and save the content inside the designated USB thumb drive. Make sure that the USB thumb drive only contains the firmware upgrade files. Once you have unzipped and moved all the files into the USB thumb drive, you are ready to install the firmware update into your Samsung Smart TV!
6. Install the new firmware version on your Samsung Smart TV. Plug in the USB thumb drive with the extracted files into your Smart TV. Disconnect any other USB devices that you are connecting to the Smart TV.
7. Press the Menu button on your remote control to access the menu of the Smart TV. Go to Support
8. Select the "By USB" option. The following message will appear "Scanning for USB.... This may take more than 1 min" indicating that your Smart TV is scanning for the USB device connected to the TV.
9. The Smart TV will begin updating the firmware. Do not disconnect the USB thumb drive during this process.
9. In some cases, you have to go through one more step. After you select the Software Update on your Samsung device, check if you see the Alternative Software is colored in white. If you click it, you will see the message says "replace XXXXXX XXXXXX version? The system reboots after the replacement". Click Accept to update your Samsung Smart TV and your system now will have the latest firmware version installed.
How to Check the Version of the Firmware Installed on Your Samsung Smart TV
Follow these steps to check the firmware version of your Samsung Smart TV before you update.Turn on your device.
1. Click the Menu button found on your remote control.
2. Using the down arrow on your remote control, go to the last tab that says Support.
3. Use the arrow on your remote to navigate to the Contact Samsung tab.
4. At the end of the text that appears, you will find the following product information:
Model code (for example, UE46C9000)
Software version (for example, T-VAL9DEUC-2003.0)